Stop TB Partnership’s Executive Committee approved US$6.14 million for Wave 9 funding to be awarded to 11 projects in 8 countries to focus their efforts on innovative approaches to address drug-resistant tuberculosis (DRTB). With funding support from USAID and Global Affairs Canada, TB REACH Wave 9 grantees will help reduce initial or pre-treatment loss to follow up for people with DR-TB by expanding access to new, all-oral treatment regimens and improving treatment adherence and outcomes for people with DR-TB.
In Wave 9, only local, non-governmental organisations were eligible for funding, and together with the support of USAID, TB REACH will work with the organisations on a capacity assessment as part of a development plan to help grantees improve and continue their funding efforts. Ethiopia, Kenya and Nigeria received funding to support improving treatment adherence and outcomes. Zimbabwe received funding for the implementation of new DR-TB treatment regimens. Nigeria received additional funding to support linkage to care to reduce pre-treatment loss to follow-up.